Information and resources relevant to strengthening Roma inclusion
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Roma inclusion newsletter
Published by the WHO Regional Office for Europe in cooperation with the European Commission - Directorate-General for Health and Consumers and the Interuniversity Institute of Social Development and Peace at the University of Alicante, Spain (WHO Collaborating Centre on Social Inclusion and Health)
In focus

Health and early childhood development in Roma communities
This briefing paper by the European Public Health Alliance analyses the policy commitments to the improvement of health and early childhood development among the Roma population.

February 2018

Roma health and policy: equality and participation
19-23 March 2018, Budapest, Hungary.
The objective of this 5-day executive workshop, co-organized by the Open Society Foundations' Public Health Program and the Central European Unicersity (CEU)'s Global Policy Academy is to share expertise and resources relevant to improving Roma health.

II International Roma Women's Congress: the other women
23-24 March 2018, Barcelona, Spain
The Congress aims to bring together Roma women from grass-roots level from around Europe to engage in dialogue and together find solutions.

The Legacies of the Romani Genocide in Europe
17-18 May 2018, Paris, France
This workshop is part of a series of events that explores how the legacies of genocide have shaped the social, political and cultural history of Roma and Sinti people, since 1945.

Romani identities: performance, antigypsyism and representation
2-13 July 2018, Budapest, Hungary
The aim of this Central European University (CEU) summer school is to investigate the use and potential of critical artistic performance as a socially engaged practice within and between Romani communities.

2018 Annual meeting of the Gypsy Lore Society and Conference on Gypsy / Romani Studies
4-7 September 2018, Bucharest, Romania
The meeting is being jointly organized on behalf of the Gypsy Lore Society by the Nicolae Iorga Institute of History of the Romanian Academy and the Faculty of History of the University of Bucharest.

Fundamental Rights Forum 2018
25-27 September 2018, Vienna, Austria
The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights next Fundamental Rights Forum will focus on strengthening the ties that bind everyone in the EU to the societies in which they live.

Past events

International conference: Roma in the past and today
25-28 February 2018, Skopje, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
This conference was intended to raise awareness about the Roma Holocaust.

Conference on Antigypsyism and film
22-23 February 2018, Berlin, Germany 
This international conference aimed to contribute to laying the foundation for a critical approach to the themes of Sinti and Roma and antigypsyism in film.

Regional workshop: Addressing discrimination and antigypsyism in the western Balkans and Turkey
13-14 February 2018, Berlin, Germany
The main objective of the workshop was to ensure officials from the enlargement region dealing with Roma integration recognize and understand the issue of discrimination and antigypsyism.

Training course on working with (eastern European) Roma in a safeguarding context
25 January 2018, London, England
The training course enabled to understand and use good practices in working with Roma communities in a safeguarding context.

National Roma Network Conference: Rights, equalities and future Roma voices
14 December 2017, London, England
This event provided an opportunity to reflect on and discuss key issues for Roma people in the United Kingdom, consider the work of the National Roma Network Forum over the past two years, and look forward to the future.

2017 European Platform for Roma Inclusion
27-28 November 2017, Brussels, Belgium
The 2017 European Platform for Roma Inclusion was dedicated to the challenges related to the transition of Roma people from education to employment.

Meeting of the Ukrainian Alliance for Roma Inclusion
16-17 November 2017, Kiev, Ukraine
The meeting analysed ongoing activities and actions undertaken by the municipalities, as well as their future plans relating to Roma access to housing and identity papers.

Regional Conference: Filling in the budget gaps in Roma integration policies
10 November 2017, Tirana, Albania
The conference was organized on the premise of ensuring decent living conditions for Roma men and women in the region. This can only be achieved if proper public and donor funding is allocated to implement Roma integration strategies and action plans, particularly those ensuring adequate and sustainable housing conditions and employment opportunities.

Conference: Imagining Canada's futures with Romani refugees & migrants
9-10 November 2017, Toronto, Canada
The symposium, entitled "The Imaginative Ethnography Symposium: Imagining Canada's futures with Romani refugees & migrants" was organized by the Centre for Imaginative Ethnography. It included a keynote address on "Romani reality and the 'gypsy' myth".

Seminar: Under the same roof - how to work cross-sectorally on inclusion
25-28 October 2017, Bucharest, Romania
This was a stakeholder seminar on cross-sectoral cooperation for young people with fewer opportunities, notably Roma youth, in order to enable their active involvement and integration in society. The event explored cooperation on inclusion between youth work and other sectors (formal education, employment, health, housing, police, social and private sectors, among others).
Projects and reports
Roma inclusion in cities. Mapping of the situation of Roma in cities in Europe
This report examines the challenges faced by Roma people in cities in terms of access to employment, housing, health care, education and basic services, based on a mapping study covering 22 large cities with significant Roma populations, across 13 European countries.

Roma networks vs Roma policies: bridging the gaps at local level
This discussion paper from the European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) examines the role of nongovernmental organizations in the policy-making process and identifies recommendations for decision-makers.

Recommendations to the future EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies post 2020
The EPHA has drafted 5 key recommendations to the European Commission, national governments and civil society aiming to contribute to and strengthening the post-2020 future EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies.

Increasing Roma inclusion via the EEA and Norway Grants: results from Romania and Bulgaria
This document assesses the results of the support from the European Economic Area (EEA) and Norway Grants on Roma inclusion and empowerment, based on a sample of 4 programmes in Bulgaria and 5 programmes in Romania.

European Parliament resolution of 25 October 2017 "on fundamental rights aspects in Roma integration in the EU: fighting anti-Gypsyism"
The European Parliament adopted this report calling upon the European Commission and EU Member States to put the fight against antigypsyism at the forefront of efforts for the social and economic inclusion of Roma people.

Challenges facing civil society organisations working on human rights in the EU
This report looks at the different types and patterns of challenges faced by civil society organizations working on human rights issues in the EU.

2017 National Platform on Roma Integration: meetings in Turkey (13 September), Bosnia and Herzegovina (25 September) and Kosovo1 (17 October) and their related policy papers
Annual reports for 2017 on the implementation of Roma integration policy were presented at each of these National Platform meetings, accompanied by the civil society view on the matter in each case.


Belak A, Veselska ZD, Geckova AM, Dijk JPV, Reijneveld SA. How well do health-mediation programs address the determinants of the poor health status of Roma? A longitudinal case study. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2017;14(12):E1569. doi: 10.3390/ijerph14121569

Cahn C. Justice delayed: the right to effective remedy for victims of coercive sterilization in the Czech Republic. Health Hum Rights 2017;19(2):9-22.

McFadden A, Siebelt L, Gavine A, Atkin K, Bell K, Innes N et al. Gypsy, Roma and Traveller access to and engagement with health services: a systematic review. Eur J Public Health 2018;28(1):74-81. doi: 10.1093/eurpub/ckx226

Find more research publications (November 2017-February 2018)

1 For the purposes of this publication, all references, including in the bibliography, to "Kosovo" should be understood/read as "Kosovo (in accordance with Security Council resolution 1244 (1999))"
About this newsletter
This newsletter is published by the WHO Regional Office for Europe in cooperation with the European Commission - Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE) and the Interuniversity Institute of Social Development and Peace at the University of Alicante, Spain (WHO Collaborating Centre on Social Inclusion and Health). It was initiated by United Nation agencies working on Roma issues in Europe and also involves other international partners. The content of the newsletter is provided by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the WHO Regional Office for Europe, the Council of Europe (CoE), the Roma Integration 2020 - Regional Cooperation Council, the European Council (EC), the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Open Society Foundations (OSF).
Financial contribution to the newsletter has been provided by UNDP, UNFPA, OSF, UN Women and WHO.
© World Health Organization 2018
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