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Latcho Divano

16 quai de Rive Neuve
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Chargée de communication : Silvia RICCIARDI

ESMA Redžepova 
Macedonian icon singer.
Redžepova belonged to the ethnic group of the Roma. She grew up in a suburban Skopje with a high proportion of Roma. Her mother was Turkish, her father of Serb, Jewish and Roma roots. ESMA's brother persuaded her to take part in a song contest of Romanesque songs. From then on, she won several competitions and finally began to sing professionally. She quickly became a significant representative of the musical genre of Sevdalinka.
In her career, she recorded 108 songs and 20 albums. ESMA sang on Romani, Serbian, and Macedonian. ESMA is today valued in the whole former Yugoslavia and worshipped. She received the title of King and Queen of Romani music on the Roma music festival in 1976 in Chandigarh with her husband Stevo Teodosievski 1983 sang ESMA Redžepova before the Indian President Indira Gandhi. [1] one of her most famous songs is Čaje Šukarije (beautiful girl). She sang Djelem, djelem in the version of Žarko Jovanović, voted the anthem of all Roma and Sinti. She also teamed with the band Mostar Sevdah reunion occurred, for their album of the same name, they recorded together MOJ dilbere, a Sevdalinka.
Outside of her career as a singer, she was known for their humanitarian operations. With her husband Stevo Teodosievski she adopted 47 children and opened an orphanage for homeless children in Macedonia.
Together with the singer, Vlatko Lozanoski, ESMA Redžepova for Macedonia joined song contest 2013 at the Eurovision. You were however eliminated in the semifinals.
Redžepova died on December 11, 2016, after the episodes of pneumonia at the age of 73 Jahren.Doch of painters and #Artists 
#paints #pictures us #sculptures by #RomaQueen #ESMARezepova 
back to life one of his real life's work is his iconic ESMA Rezpova Durmis Durrko Kazim

Mihaela Drăgan
Sekot · 26. februāris, no Instagram 
Romani actresses at the launching of European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture 
#eriac — ar Riah KnightSandra Selimovic unSimonida Selimovic bija Maxim Gorki TheaterLietotāja Mihaela Drăgan attēls.
Martā un aprīlī uz savu pirmo soloprogrammu «Balss iz tabora» aicina Riču ģimenes solists Rinaldo. Šī ir viņa pirmā koncerttūre pēc brāļa nāves.
«Mēs divatā ar brāli Kasparu veidojām Riču kodolu, tāpēc pēc viņa aiziešanas ilgi nespēju turpināt muzicēt. Bet nu esmu gatavs mūziku izpildīt savādāk, ar jaunu un dziļāku skatījumu,» par savu jauno programmu stāsta Rinaldo.
Koncertā «Balss iz tabora» skanēs populāras čigānu un latviešu romances - skaņdarbi, kas ir radīti balsij un klavierēm. Būs arī Rinaldo dziedātās «Riču» dziesmas, tostarp hits «Paldies tev, draugs». Kopā ar solistu muzicēs estrādes pianists Anatolijs Livča.
«Mana balss - tā iz tabora skan» - tie ir vārdi no Jāņa Petera dzejoļa, kas trāpīgi raksturo Rinaldo, kura balss tembru nav iespējams sajaukt ar kādu citu. Viņa balss patiesi nāk no tabora, taču jau vairāk nekā 10 gadus tā priecē klausītājus visā Latvijā.
Koncerti izskanēs 9. martā Laucienes tautas namā, 11. martā Jūrmalā Kauguru kultūras namā, 15. martā Apes kultūras centrā, 18. martā Salaspilī, kultūras namā «Rīgava», 23. martā Rēzeknes Nacionālo biedrību kultūras namā, 24. martā Ventspils kultūras centrā, 12. aprīlī Kokneses kultūras namā, 13. aprīlī Brocēnu kultūras centrā, 14. aprīlī Limbažu kultūras namā, 15. aprīlī Suntažu kultūras namā un 21. aprīlī Liepājas Latviešu biedrības namā.